computers, classroom, climbing, etc.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Student blogs

Fun to see two former students have won mentions in the Edublogger's Student challenge. I especially liked GAH's post. Just like him: stunning English skills and wry humour. Interestingly enough, he questions the whole idea, finding the exercise (obligatory student blogging) rather artificial and feeling foolish communicating to a world that is not listening.

Rather ironic to note all the enthusiastic comments from around the world on his little post.

(I also note that he hasn't added his winner's badge to his blog. And since I didn't have to read his blog....does that make me a ninja?)


  1. Glad you took the time to read his blog! He is an amazing student It is also great that some of the students' blogs actually have readers other than this year's teacher!

  2. Fun to see all the comments from around the world and the dialogue that happens as a result. The power of blogging and all that.

    Worth noting that GAH himself remains quite cool about all this and notes:
    "However, I do believe there's reason to think about why students are blogging. Is it just to do something modern and fancy, or is there an actual purpose to it?"

    Many of our modern tools are so cool that I feel myself having a less critical approach to choice of tool than earlier. I'm going to keep GAH's question in mind.

  3. ...What do you do when your boss finds your blog...?
